
Wilhelm Reich Dowsing Rods Release

Orgone is a kind of primordial cosmic energy that was discovered by Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) in the late 1930s and who identified many of its basic properties. Cosmic energy has two forms, the “positive” OR or POR and the “negative” DOR. OR is associated with creation and life, while DOR is associated with destruction and death. Orgone (OR) was found in various cultures, and became known by names such as Prana, Ether, Life Energy, Chi and others. Orgonite is a structure that converts negative energy into positive energy. Orgonite was first used in rhabdoscopy and pendulum scanning by a research team in Germany called Wilhelm Reich. In ancient Greece, orgonite was used as a therapeutic cleanser. Orgone is related to ether and can be synchronized with energy and atmospheric ions. The rods are made of handmade glass, semi-precious stones (quartz, amethyst, satinite, tiger’s eye, lapis lazuli, tobacco, jasper red, carbon), precious metals (gold leaf, copper, brass), copper, operate as coils and a split antenna made of bronze. There is a chamber where we can place research witnesses. Wilhelm Reich (physician, psychiatrist, and Freudian psychoanalyst) was the first Western scientist to “rediscover” and scientifically substantiate the existence of this subtle electromagnetic energy that surrounds everything and has been so widespread in the East since ancient times. , as “Prana” in India, and “Chi” in China. He used the orgone for medical and general scientific purposes, while he managed to build small motors that were powered by orgone energy. His discoveries opened the door to the emergence of new disciplines, such as Biotronics or Orgotronics. He was persecuted mainly by the established of the pharmaceutical industry and the “big interests” as few scientists, his books were burned and his inventions were destroyed. However his important work has been saved and he can help and develop the living earth that breathes at low and high speeds incomparable to its spherical ball. The core of the earth’s hot heart raises high temperatures helping underground growth forces pulsate at harmonic frequencies that are both audible and measurable. The coils, through the positive and negative energies they contain, accumulate these sound and measurable frequencies. The earth with its body if it can not digest a metal becomes aggressive and bombs with fungi and energy every foreign body, infecting and killing any metal that enters it. Orgonites are the evolution of Wilhelm Reich’s research and are compositions – constructs that produce energy and convert negative energy into positive energy. Their contribution is essential in an environment that is exposed daily by radiation, and they neutralize the geopathic stress created by the electromagnetic fields Hartman and Curry. Properties of Orgone Energy • It is everywhere, it occupies the whole space. • It is free from cosmic mass, primitive in nature. • Permeates all materials, but at different speeds. • It is immediately observable and measurable. It is naturally concentrated by living organisms, through food, water, respiration and through the skin. • ‘Has the ability to inhibit and absorb electromagnetism. • Offers vegetation growth, flowering and fruiting plants. • Higher energy level, activity and greater vitality. Orgone is free in the atmosphere, and in space. • Provides protection from Electromagnetic and Geopathic Radiation. • • The devices we use every day in our lives (mobile phones, computers, electrical appliances, cordless phones), create ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION, with harmful fields on people, animals, plants. • The ether transformers (ORGONITES), can help us and protect us from the harmful effects of electromagnetic and geopathic radiation. What is Geopathic radiation? There are some points on Earth where energy is disturbed, such as by (water, Hartmann lines), and these points on Earth emit negative radiation, called GEOPATHIC RADIATION. The ancient Greeks also possessed the knowledge of neutralizing geopathic radiation. It is claimed that the neutralization of the geopathogenic negative energy of a place was achieved by the construction of a pyramid or a vaulted building.